The AFL-CIO Workers' Memorial occurs on April 28th each year, no matter the day of the week, at Washington Park in Groton
Commemorative Marker Order Form
The Workers' Memorial is held annually on April 28th across the country to remember and honor union brothers and sisters who lost their lives while on the job. Locally, the Memorial Monument stands at Washington Park in Groton. The Memorial site contains more than 600 commemorative markers remembering workers and their families who have made the supreme sacrifice through loss of life. The Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO pledges to stand solid as the rock at the Memorial site to continue to fight for every American Worker's right to a safe worksite. Personalized Markers can be customized with your name, the names of loved ones in memory of, or your local union. Your markers will be placed at the Workers' Memorial Monument site at Washington Park, Groton, CT and will be a permanent part of our memorial.
If you would like more information please email Maggie Marley, Community Engagement Labor Liaison.