Since 1946, the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and United Way Worldwide have enjoyed a cooperative relationship through which they and state and local United Ways have provided services to members of organized labor, their families and their communities. Our strong partnership between management and labor has a positive and powerful impact on United Way of Southeastern Connecticut. Labor representatives serve in many key leadership roles within United Way. They serve on our board of directors, campaign cabinet, allocation and many committees. When management and labor work together on a common cause, employees are motivated.
To build a stronger Community by uniting workers in making a personal investment of time and resources in their communities through United Way.
Our Goals
Involve members in United Way employee campaigns at all levels. Train union members to assist co-workers with information about available services and to refer them to the appropriate organizations. Engage members of organized labor to become active in the community through volunteerism and leadership. Recognize and thank labor members who have performed outstanding United Way volunteer service.
Service to the Community
Enhance community involvement by providing a variety of community service opportunities throughout the year, such as: UCAN Training, Day of Caring, Workers Memorial, Golf Tournament and United Way’s Allocations process.
If you would like to get involved or are interested in additional information please contact Maggie Marley, Community Engagement Labor Liaison, at 860.464.3325.