Youth Opportunity

A young girl showing her dirty gloves to the camera while she was gardening

Helping young people realize their full potential.


Youth Opportunity iconPrograms in this impact area include before- and afterschool care, childcare and early childhood education, college and career readiness, and youth and family development.

The inaugural cohort of Student United Way was held in 2022-23 to empower students to make impactful change, fueling next generation philanthropy. The curriculum focuses on visits to nonprofits, volunteering, meeting with community leaders, learning about philanthropy, and awarding a grant to a local organization.

Your Voice Counts is bridging differences and inspiring young adults to create sustainable change. The initiative improves communication, critical thinking, and understanding among high school students. In partnership with New London Youth Affairs, Your Voice Counts provides youth with skills to navigate conversations that often result in divisiveness to help make the world a kinder place.

Additionally, we partnered with three programs that drive positive change and improve outcomes for children and youth of racial and ethnic minorities in Groton and New London. Under this grant, these programs will modify existing programs to improve outcomes, increase equity, and expand services to allow all of our children and youth to thrive.


Our Partners in Youth Opportunity

Partner Programs:
 Equitable Outcomes for Thriving Children Grant
Your Voice Counts
  • New London Youth Affairs
Additional Resources or Partnerships