Directions to United Way of Southeastern Connecticut
283 Stoddards Wharf Road, Gales Ferry, CT 06335
(860) 464-7281
From Hartford
Take Route 2 East from Hartford. As you approach Norwich, take Exit for I-395 South (toward New Haven). Take Exit 79A for Ledyard. Follow that road straight across the bridge until the first light and take a right onto Route 12 South. Go approximately 5 miles to the intersection of Route 12 with Route 214. United Way is on the corner of Routes 12 and 214 on the left. Turn left onto Route 214 (also Stoddards Wharf Road) and take a quick right into the first parking lot.
From New Haven and the Shoreline
Take I-95 North. While crossing the Gold Star Memorial Bridge over the Thames River, get into the left hand land. Take Exit 86 marked for Routes 12 and 184 and the U.S. Sub Base. Once off that exit stay in the right hand lane. Take the first exit (about 100 yards) marked for Route 12 and the U.S. Sub Base. You will make a sharp right turn and come to a light. Turn right at the light onto Route 12 North.
Follow Route 12 North past the Sub Base which will be on your left. After passing McDonald's, it will be just over 1 mile to a light at the intersection with Route 214 (also Stoddards Wharf Road). United Way is on the corner of Routes 12 and 214 on the right. Turn right at the light onto Route 214 and take a quick right into the first parking lot.
From Green Airport, Providence, Rhode Island
Take I-95 South. Take Exit 86 for Route 12 and the U.S. Sub Base. Turn right at the end of the exit onto Route 12 North. Follow directions above from the second paragraph.