Campaign Best Practices

Tried and true techniques that veteran Employee Campaign Coordinators swear by to improve results and participation in the campaign.


  • Meet with your United Way representative.
  • Attend Coordinator Training.
  • Secure CEO/Management support, and Unions where applicable.
  • Review your campaign history and set a goal.
  • Recruit a campaign committee, if possible, to help with the campaign.
  • Determine your campaign plan, timeframe, and incentives for giving.
  • Schedule a United Way Day of Caring volunteer project.
  • Gather your campaign communications and any campaign materials.
  • Schedule your kick-off, United Way speakers, and any special activities.Send a letter or email from your CEO endorsing the campaign.
  • Promote the campaign.


  • Distribute pledge forms and materials to every employee.
  • Promote the campaign, kick-off, and special activities through numerous channels.
  • Hold a special event to invite members to join the Spinnaker Club (leadership givers who contribute $1,000 or more annually).
  • Hold a mid-campaign committee meeting to review the progress towards the goal.
  • Send regular progress reports to employees.
  • Follow-up with individuals who have yet to complete their pledge form.
  • Send reminders about campaign activities, incentives, and deadlines.


  • Collect all pledge forms and campaign materials.
  • Schedule a time with United Way representative to complete paperwork.
  • Take care of any corporate contributions or matches on employee giving.
  • Send a thank you letter to everyone including the campaign committee and CEO.
  • Publish a short story, photo, and the results of your campaign in the company newsletter.
  • Hold a post campaign committee meeting to evaluate the challenges and successes of the campaign. Keep the notes handy for next year for yourself or the next ECC.
  • Talk to your United Way representative so that we can continue to improve our service.


  • Keep employees updated on the activities of United Way.
  • Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Display or distribute information about United Way 2-1-1 in your office building, reception area, cafeteria, etc.
  • Promote opportunities to employees including Day of Caring projects, reading to young students, and volunteering at the Gemma E. Moran United Way/Labor Center and mobile food pantry. All volunteering can be arranged through United Way.
  • Run a food drive or school supply drive.
  • Work with your HR department to implement a new hires program so that all new employees are given the opportunity to donate when they begin employment.Ask employees that are leaving or retiring if they would like to fulfill their pledge to United Way.
  • Visit a United Way partner program to see your United Way at work in the community.

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